The Book of Life: Closing and Opening Chapters

T minus 14 days… Just 14 days until my last day in the office. It is official, I am leaving Nebraska Extension and have accepted a position with Nevada Extension. I left “home” when I was 19 years old to attend college in Oklahoma on a scholarship, and 18 years later I have the opportunity to return “home”. It has been bittersweet to wrap up one life, and make plans to start another.

I started my career with Nebraska Extension in January 2010, in Richardson County (Southeast Nebraska). This was my first “real” job after college, and I loved it. I was working for and with great people doing things I enjoyed, and no two days were the same (a huge perk for me).

Falls City, Nebraska
Falls City – Richardson County, Nebraska

In April 2013 I had the chance to move to Saunders County (Central Eastern Nebraska). In Saunders County I had the opportunity to hone my skills and put more of my degree to use by taking on a social media presence engaging with consumers about agriculture and food and working closely with an active Livestock Association. I am tremendously grateful for the opportunities I have had with Nebraska Extension, and for all of the wonderful people doing cutting edge and progressive programming. I will certainly miss many of my Husker friends.

57th Annual Saunders County Livestock Association Tour – Wyoming.

As much sadness as there is in leaving and saying goodbye, there is also excitement and opportunities that await. My new office will be less than an hour from my family ranch, and I will be much closer to the majority of my extended family. I will remain in Extension, but it will take on a new role, which is ok. I do well with change… I will also have the opportunity for tenure, which is exciting to me, especially as a terminal degree holder. My new colleagues-to-be have very warm and welcoming, and I have no doubts they will welcome me home with open arms.


There have been some tears shed, and undoubtedly there will be more before it is over. However, a great thing about Extension – it is like one big extended family across the country. There are conferences where I will continue to see my Nebraska Extension family.

People have asked if The Hubs is excited about this move, and the answer is yes! He is excited to have another part of the country to explore. His family is excited to come and visit, as they can experience Western Nevada and Northern California and all that the area has to offer.

I plan to continue Agricultural with Dr. Lindsay (AgWithDrLindsay) via all of my social media platforms. While I don’t know what it will look like yet, I hope you will follow along as one chapter closes and another opens in this book of my life.


Dr. Lindsay can also be found on:

– Website: UNL Ag and Food
– Twitter/Instagram (agwithdrlindsay)






16 thoughts on “The Book of Life: Closing and Opening Chapters

    1. Thanks Megan! I am sure there will be interesting things to post about. So glad we all have social media to keep updated and in contact with each other 🙂

  1. Good Luck with your new adventure, Lindsay! I wish you the very best. I’m glad you are going to continue your social media presence.

    For some reason it went over my head that you are in Saunders County. Do you know any of the Dobesh’s? (Kevin, Bridget and girls, Ronny or Gerald?) They are first cousin’t to my Mom.

    Also, Ashlee Benes is my Sister’s BFF and college roommate.

    1. What a small world! Dr. Dobesh has been our county fair vet 🙂 And I enjoy having Ashley as a colleague.

  2. Dr. Lindsay: I have been with Nebraska Extension in Custer Co, a very short one year and have enjoyed “getting to know you” through your Animal Care Wednesdays, Agricultural with Dr. Lindsay, BeefWatch, & Twitter. You have reopened the world of animal agriculture to me. I have been on the farm for 29 years, raised 5 kids, beef, corn, soybeans & hay during that time. So through all that, sometimes you forget what your passions were way back when. You have inspired me to remember why I have been doing all of that. Wishing you all the best in your new endeavor! I look forward to keeping up with you through social media. P.S. I did you notice you changed the background to HUSKER RED for this post! You will always be a HUSKER to me!

    1. Hi Michelle – that is the sweetest post!I am glad you have enjoyed reading what I put out. I enjoy sharing my interests and passions, all while having fun 🙂 I am glad that comes across to my readers and followers. Yes, I did make some blog changes yesterday, I always like to switch it up around the holidays (it is like opening a virtual gift). Thanks again for your support, I hope the content to come does not disappoint. Go Big Red!

  3. I appreciate your work as an ag-vocate, and I know that will continue, no matter your location. I know you’ll enjoy being closer to home and family. My best to you! See you on the internet!

    1. Thanks Kim! Same goes for you. Yes, it will be great to be closer to family. P.S. Love seeing all of your ice pictures (although always a scary thing for farmers and ranchers).

    1. Hi Eileen, thanks for reading! That would be awesome if we met up at an event. Let me know if you head that way.

  4. Enjoy this new chapter and the opportunity to once again be home! I have no doubt that you will be greatly missed in Nebraska, but what a great addition you will be to Nevada Extension. Being a 4-H agents kids, I too can attest to the big extended family feel that is Extension. Best of luck to you and your husband!

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