About Me

Hi and welcome to Agricultural with Dr. Lindsay! Thanks for stopping by.

Agriculture runs deep in my veins as I grew up on a cattle and sheep ranch in Northern California, I was a 10 year 4-H member (showing livestock, sewing, public speaking, and more!), I received a formal education in agricultural systems, and have worked a variety of jobs in the agricultural industry (meat packing, feedyards, managing cattle herds, collecting research, etc.). I have a Master of Science in Animal Science, a Master of Art in Speech Communications, and a PhD in Systems Agriculture from West Texas A&M University.

I am an Extension Educator (think community outreach) with the University of Nevada. Previously, I was an Extension Educator with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My focus areas are livestock, agriculture, food systems, social media, and 4-H; working with both adults and youth.

Personally, I am married to the “Hubs” and we have a cat. I enjoying traveling, reading (or listening to books on cd), cooking, outdoor adventures (camping, hunting, fishing, etc.), art (in all forms), and laughing!

My intentions with this blog are to be transparent about agriculture by bringing you stories about agriculture, introduce you to the people who grow/produce your food, share with you agricultural practices, share with you meat selection/cookery/storage tips, and answer any questions you may have.

Please let me know if there is a specific topic I can discuss. Thanks for joining me as I make agriculture fun and exciting while highlighting some the science and research.

Feel free to contact me with any questions…

Lindsay Chichester
Extension Educator – University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
2621 Northgate Lane Suite 15 Carson City, NV 89706





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